In considering the project of a College Infirmary the Corporation think it of the greatest importance that some plan be decided upon to provide for the running expenses of an Infirmary.
These expenses may be estimated at between $5,000 and $10,000 a year, and several schemes have been suggested for the annual raising of such a sum. While some students would be perfectly able to pay for what they would get in such an Infirmary, others would not. It has been suggested that if every student in the University resident in Cambridge were assessed one dollar a year and further one dollar a day for every day's residence in the Infirmary beyond five days, a nominal income of $5,000 might be raised, which might be sufficient to pay its running expenses.
Again it has been suggested that the students should form an aid association, with directors elected from the schools, to deiray by subscription the Infirmary expenses of members of the association. This would provide against serious crippling of the resources of any one student and all expenses might be paid for members of the association at an individual cost of from one to three dollars a year. Non-members of the association might be supposed to be those who could well afford to pay a moderate sum for their treatment, and thus a sufficient income for all expenses of the Infirmary would be provided for.
Further, and this on the whole has seemed to the Corporation the most feasible scheme, it is suggested that a charge of $5 be made in addition to the usual tuition fee. Such a scheme would be sure to provide an adequate sum for the annual running expenses of an Infirmary.
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