
Provisional Order of Mid-Year Examinations.

The following is the provisional order of the mid-year examinations, which begin on Thursday, January 28, and end on Saturday, February 13.

Thursday, Jan. 28.Semitic 13 Semitic 161

Indo-Iranian 1 Latin F

Class. Philol. 49 English 7

English 23 German 6


German 151 Italian 3

Philosophy 1 History 191

History 22 Economics 2

Fine Arts 1 Music 2

Mathematics A1 Mathematics C

Mathematics 3 Mathematics 17

Chemistry 9 Botany 21

Mining 6 Archaeology 1

Friday, Jan. 29.Latin 7 German 5

Italian 1 Economics 51

Mathematics D1 Engineering 4a

Engineering 10a Engineering 10b

Engineering 13b Engineering 13d

Engineering 14a Engineering 16c

Saturday, Jan. 30.Latin E Class. Phil. 51

English 3 German 4

German 8 French 2a

Spanish 1 Philosophy 11

Government 13 Economics 3

Engineering 3a Engineering 4d

Engineering 7a Engineering 10c

Engineering 10d Engineering 10e

Engineering 14b Engineering 16d

Physics C

Monday, Feb. 1.Semitic 1 Greek 1

Latin A Latin C

Latin 8 English 4

English 14 English 16

German 1b Spanish 2

Philosophy 7 Philosophy 17.

History 8 History 10

Economics 4 Mathematics 2

Mathematics 5 Engineering 3c

Engineering 5c Engineering 13a

Chemistry 3 Geology 161

Tuesday, Feb. 2.Semitic 3 Latin 1

Latin 6 Class. Phil. 29

English 2 English 11

English 29 German B

German 7 French 2c

French 11 French 15

Comp. Lit. 2 History 9

Architecture 1b Mathematics 4

Mathematics 7a Mathematics 16

Engineering 1a Physics 9

Zoology 41 Geology 2

Geology 3 Geology 14

Wednesday, Feb. 3.Greek E Greek F

Greek 3 Greek 7

Thursday, Feb. 4.Semitic 7 Greek A

Greek 8 Latin B

Class. Phil. 471 German C

German 1c German 121

Italian 2 Rom. Phil. 4

Rom. Phil. 6 Philosophy 6

Philosophy 13 Government 11

Economics 14 Fine Arts 4

Mathematics 25 Engineering 6d

Engineering 11a Zoology 3

Geology 20

Friday, Feb. 5.Semitic 2 English 6

German A German B

French A French 3

Music 7 Botany 5

Saturday, Feb. 6.Semitic 12 Greek C

Latin 12 English 241

German 1a French 1b

French 8 Italian 4

Slavic 31 Philosophy 9

Philosophy 16 History 7

History 12 Economics 12

Mathematics F Mathematics 121

Engineering 1c Engineering 2c

Engineering 5a Geology 21

Mineralogy 12

Monday, Feb. 8.Semitic 5 Semitic 14

Greek 10 Latin 2

English A English 32

French 14 Slavic 1

Philosophy 3 History 13

Economics 11 Mathematics 10

Engineering 18a Mil. Science 11

Physics 3

Tuesday, Feb. 9.Indo-Iranian 5 Latin 3

Class. Philol. 25 German E

German F German G

French 5 Government 10

Economics 61 Architecture 4a

Architecture 4b Music 1

Music 6 Chemistry B

Botany 3 Zoology 11

Wednesday, Feb. 10.Semitic 8 Semitic 11

Indo-Iranian 21 Class. Philol. 54

English 13 German 91

French 1c French 4

Philosophy 4 Philosophy 18

Government 5 Fine Arts 2

Music 5 Mathematics 19

Mathematics 24 Chemistry 4

Geology 15

Thursday, Feb. 11.Semitic 4 Greek B

Class. Philol. 26 English 5

German 2 Philosophy 21

Philosophy 151 History 3

History 11 Economics 15

Architecture 1a Mathematics 9

Engineering 1f Engineering 2a

Physics B Chemistry 1

Chemistry 6 Geology 4

Mining 21

Friday, Feb. 12.Class. Philol. 521 English 1

French 6 Philosophy 12

History 1 History 6

History 17 Economics 1

Architecture 3b Mathematics 8

Engineering 12a Physics 61

Chemistry 21 Chemistry 5

Geology 8

Saturday, Feb. 13.Semitic (Egypt.) 6 Greek 2

Greek 6 Class. Philol. 38

English 28 Geology 13

German 3 German 10

French 1a French 6a

French 10 Slavic 2

Rom. Philol. 3 Comp. Lit. 1

Philosophy 5 Philosophy 8

Government 4 Government 12

Economics 9 Architecture 2a

Mathematics 13 Engineering 1b

Engineering 16a Engineering 21

Physics 1 Physics 4

Zoology 11 Geology 10
