
Speical Notice.

TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf

STUDENTS wishing their hair trimmed in the most scientific manner should call at Griffith's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle street, Harvard square. Four artists in attendance, all special hair cutters. Razors honed and cared for.

C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston. 2 tf

STUDENTS desiring any book or books sold on subscription, we would recommend their looking at X's ad. under special notices. We know him to be thoroughly reliable in every respect. 2

DANCING.- Harvard gentlemen desiring to learn or practice the polite art will do well to address Mr. and Mrs. Black, 159 Mass. avenue, near Boylston street, Boston. Circulars mailed. 18 20


TO LET.- Suite No. 11 in Hilton Block. For further information apply to Janitor of Hilton. 67 6

THE Harvard Index is out. Price, 75 cents. Directory of students; home and college address; and members of all clubs. You should have one. 66 tf

Come and try Youngs until the Christmas vacation, then make up your mind afterwards. Our club tables are unsurpassed. The hours for breakfast are from 8 until 10.30. One room empty. Come for it. General table starts Monday.

YOUNG'S, 15 Bow Street.56 tf

SUITS cleansed and pressed for 75 cts.; trousers 20 cts., called for and returned in good order. Drop a postal.

L. G. MACKEIGAN, 15 Brattle St. Just opposite Post Office.48 tf

LOWEST RATES to all points South and West. Special rates to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.

Party being formed for Washington, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Rate, $7.52, $6.72, $4.80. Round trip, $15.04, $13.44, $9.60.

J. FREEMAN MARSTEN, 39 Thayer Hall.Office hours 1.30-4; 6.30-9 p. m. 62 8

TUTORING.- Edgineering 1a, 1c, 3a. Mathematics A, B, C, E, F, 2, 4. (Graduate; experienced teacher). Edward B. Escott, Sc. M., 45 Trowbridge St.

English A, 24, 28. Latin, Greek. Harvard Admission and Condition Work. Four years successful experience. Austin Phelps Dean, 9 Remington St. sw 8

LOST.- A card case containing tickets and cards. Finder will be rewarded by returning same to 9 Matthews.

MENU of today's Table d'hote dinner at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street, from 12 to 2 and 6 to 7 p. m.; 50c. Soup: Mutton Broth with Barley. Fish: Halibut, gratin a la Creme. Joint: Roast Beef. Entrees: Breast of Lamb, Tomato Sauce; Chicken Croquettes, a l Italien. Vegetables: Spinach and Potatoes. Dessert: Apple, Squash and Mince Pie. Coffee.

Fist class board. Club room and tables.
