TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf
DANCING.- Harvard gentlemen desiring to learn or practice the polite art will do well to address Mr. and Mrs. Black, 159 Mass. avenue, near Boylston street, Boston. Circulars mailed. 18 20
C. S. HAWES ('93) has a club table vacant which he would like to let at once, or to some club which intends to change its boarding place after the Christmas recess. 10 Remington street, opposite Ware Hall. 56 6t
LOWEST RATES to all points South and West. Special rates to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
J. FREEMAN MARSTEN, 39 Thayer Hall.Office hours 1.30-4; 6.30-9 p. m. 62 8
INFORMATION, berths, tickets, to all points West via B. and A., New York Central, Lake Shore, M. C., Big Four and connections. Tickets to New York via. Springfield.
W. B. LLOYD and H. F. LUNT, 27 Thayer Hall.Office Hours, 1.30-2.30 and 6.30-7.30 p. m. 62 5t
Come and try Youngs until the Christmas vacation, then make up your mind afterwards. Our club tables are unsurpassed. The hours for breakfast are from 8 until 10.30. One room empty. Come for it. General table starts Monday.
YOUNG'S, 15 Bow street.56 tf
MEMBERS of the Freshman Banjo, Mandolin Clubs can receive instruction of Mr. W. P. Hovey (successor to W. E. Stratton) by leaving name and address at Briggs and Briggs'. f tu
BLARNEY (durch) Bonnet takes unqualified delight in assuring his patrons that in the future he will give up "beating down" the students, since this, he considers, puts him on a level with the Cambridge police. Come boys, make your own prices. It won't do you any good, but then, where's the harm? Come and set your traps for me at 2 Holyoke St., Marks' Barber Shop. 65 2
FOR SALE.- A Smith Premier Typewriter as good as new. Address B. W., Crimson office. 65 3
FOUND.- A sum of Money. Address 41 Conant Hall.
ROOM-MATE wanted-1727 Cambridge St., Room 7. Call Monday, Thursday or Friday evenings, 7.30-10 p. m., or Wednesday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. Price very cheap.
MENU of today's Table d'hote dinner at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street, from 12 to 2 and 6 to 7 p. m.; 50c. Soup: Ox-tail a l'Anglaise. Fish: Escalloped Oysters, Boston style. Joint; Boiled Turkey, Celery Sauce. Roast Rib of beef. Entree: Veal fricassee with peas. Macaroni aux tomates. Vegetables: Stewed Corn and Potatoes. Dessert. Cream Cakes. Coffee. First class board. Club room and tables.
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