

THE first rehearsal of those retained for trial on the 1900 Mandolin Club will be Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 6.30 in 3 Matthews Hall. Any other candidates may try then.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The missionary meeting of the Christian Association will be held Thursday evening at 6.45 o'clock in Holden Chapel. The Rev. J. D. Chandler, formerly a missionary to Burmah, will speak. All members of the University are invited to be present.

CENTRAL NEW YORK CLUB.- A "smoker" will be held tonight, 8 p. m., at 1208 Mass. Ave. (next to Quincy Hall). All men in the University who live in Central N. Y. are cordially invited.

C. C. MANN, Sec.ON account of the meeting of the Graduate Club on Friday evening, the Graduate Philosophical Society announced for that time will be held on Wednesday evening at 7.45, in the Psychological Laboratory. It is hoped that as large a number as possible of postgraduate students interested in philosophy will attend and take part in the discussion.
