The annual meeting of the Athletic Association was held last Wednesday night in Houston Hall and resulted in the re-election of the old Board of Directors. The Board for the coming year will be as follows: Graduate members, H. Laussatt Geyelin '77, L. C. Mederia '72, John Neill '77, Clifford Pemberton, Jr., 81, Thomas Reath '79, George Stuart Patterson, Jr., '90, Harvey C. Thayer '92, John C. Bell '84, Dr. J. A. Scott '87, George H. Frazier '87; undergraduate members, Charles L. McKeehan and F. M. Dunn, college; Robert N. Willson, Jr., and John F. Sinclair, medical; John H. Minds, law.
The Treasurer's report for the college year, ending September 30, 1896, shows that the athletics of the university were conducted during the year at a loss of about $3,000. The net receipts of the football season, however, were unusually large and by the first of the year the Association will have about $12,000 and no debts.
Plans for the baseball team are already being considered, and an effort will be made to have the baseball team quartered in the regular training house during the coming season. Heretofore there has not been room at the training house for the nine, but this year new arrangements are to be made.
Arrangements are being made for the fourth annual debate between Cornell and Pennsylvania. The debate will be held in Philadelphia, March 6, 1897, and Pennsylvania, who chooses the subject, has proposed as the question for debate: "Resolved, That the United States and the several States should establish Courts of Compulsory Adjustment of disputes between employees and private corporations, which possess franchises of a public nature." Cornell, who has the choice of sides, has not yet announced her decision.
The dramatic side of university life will begin unusually early this year with the performance by the Garrick Club of Arthur Pinero's famous "Dandy Dick." This play ran for 250 nights in London, but has never been producted in Philadelhia. The Garrick Club is a dramatic organization which has existed for about two years, having as its object the presentation of plays of acknowleged literary excellence. The coming performance will be given on the evening of December 16. The club will give several other performances during the winter.
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