Tonight at the mass meeting in Sanders Theatre we shall have a good opportunity to make evident the unusual interest in the University crew which has grown strong in us since the coming of Mr. Lehmann, and to show the enthusiasm which the remarkably good work of the candidates in the trial race aroused. Not in the memory of any undergraduate has there been such general interest in the crews as there is now, and such a universal belief, throughout the student body, that the eight is in the best of hands and has unusually bright prospects of victory next spring.
But better than the interest of the students generally is the unbounded enthusiasm of the crew candidates themselves, their willingness work and their eagerness to learn under their new coach. These conditions alone are enough to make the crew successful.
At the meeting tonight we can express our thanks to Mr. Lehmann, our confidence in him and the crew, and our interest in Harvard rowing affairs generally. It is needless to urge that every one who can will attend the meeting.
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