ALL those interested in the new game of wicket polo or pin hockey are invited to take part in the game which will be played tomorrow in the Gymnasium. The wickets have arrived and an informal game will be played in the ball-court of the Gymnasium at 4 p. m. Everybody is free to take part. Polo sticks and shin guards are advised for players.
NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- Meeting of the section of Ornithology and Mammalogy this evening at 7.30 at 18 Matthews. Paper: Game Birds of the Mackenzie Valley, by Frank Russell.
THERE will be a meeting of the Worcester Academy Club Friday evening at eight o'clock, 20 Grays. Smoke talk. All Worcester Academy men in the University are urged to be present.
G. C. BEALS, Sec.FRESHMAN MANDOLIN CLUB.- There will be a trial of candidates for the Fres man Mandolin Club, Monday, Dec. 14, at 8 o'clock in 3 Matthews Hall. Men that were taken on the 'Varsity for trial need only hand in their names.
LACROSSE TEAM.- Lacrosse practice at 3.30 today.
B. T. BURLEY, Capt,8
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