English 6. Oral Debate. Harvard 1, 3.30 p. m.
Question: "Resolved, That the money now spent on Eastern schools for Indians should be spent on the Reservation schools."
Principal disputants.- Affirmative: W. T. B. Williams and W. B. Parker.- Negative: H. R. Scott and N. B. Marshall.
Open to all students of the University.
Vesper Service. Appleton Chapel 5 p. m.
Open to the public.
The front seats are reserved for students and for officers of the University and their families, until 4.55.
Vesper services will be held in Appleton Chapel each Thursday afternoon in term time until further notice.
Harvard Christian Association. Weekly Meeting. Subject: The Heavenly Vision. Acts 26:19. Leader: Mr. F. L. Waldo. Holden Chapel, 6.45 p. m.
All members of the University are invited to be present.
Engineering Conference. Paper: Present Status of the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. Mr. C. Snow. Lawrence Scientific School, Room 7, 7.15 p. m.
Open to all members of the University.
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