

Previous Records of the Men and Their Individual Statistics.

Garrett Cochran '98, right end and captain, played end at Lawrenceville for three years and captained the team during his last year. Since entering college he has played on the 'varsity at end and fullback. Age 20, height 5 ft. 11 in., weight 162.

A. Hildebrand 1900, comes to Princeton from Andover, where he played guard. He is now right tackle on the 'varsity. Height 5 ft. 10 in., weight 174.

H. C. Armstrong '98, of Selma, Ala., played tackle on the Lawrenceville team for one year. Last season he played halfback on the 'varsity, but is now at right guard. Age 20, height 6 ft. 1 1-2 in., weight 187.

R. W. Gailey P. G., attended Lafayette College and played on its team for two years. He played centre on the 'varsity last year, and is now at the same position. Age 26, height 6 ft. 1 1-2 in., weight 195.

E. G. Crowdis '99, left guard, prepared at Pennington Seminary. His home is in Nova Scotia. He was substitute centre on the 'varsity last year. Age 26, height 6 ft., weight 225.


W. W. Church '97, of Washington, D. C., left tackle, attended the Emerson Institute at Washington, where he played on the Columbia Athletic Club. He was a substitute on the 'varsity during his first two years in college, and last year occupied his present position. Age 21. height 6 ft. 1 in, weight 188.

H. C. Brokaw '97, of New York city, left end, prepared for college at the Cutter School in New York, where he played quarterback. He was substitute for the 'varsity last year. Age 21, height 5 ft. 11 1-2 in., weight 157.

F. L. Smith '97, quarterback, prepared at the College of the City of New York. He has been a substitute on the team for two years, playing in the Pennsylvania game in '94, and now plays quarterback. He lives in New York city. Age 22, height 5 ft. 10 in., weight 154.

A. H. Rosengarten '97, of Philadelphia, played halfback at Lawrenceville. He has been on the team, at first as substitute, and last year as regular halfback, since entering. Age 21, height 5 ft. 9 1-2 in., weight 164.

W. H. Bannard '98, halfback, of Long Branch, N. J., prepared at the Princeton Preparatory School, where he played half and fullback. He played halfback on the 'varsity last year. Age 21, height 5 ft. 11 1-2 in., weight 166.

A. W. Kelly '98, halfback, prepared at the Barnard School in New York city, where he played halfback. He played halfback in the Yale game last year. Age 20, height 5 ft. 9 1-2 in., weight 166.

H. R. Reiter '98, halfback, prepared at Pennington Seminary. This is his first year on the team. His home is in Philadelphia. Age 25, height 5 ft. 6 1-2 in., weight 162.

John Baird '99, fullback, prepared for college at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and played his present position on the 'varsity last year. His home is in Philadelphia. Age 19, height 5 feet 9 1-2 in., weight 156.

Nelson Poe '97, substitute quarterback, prepared at Baltimore. In 1894 he played quarter in the Pennsylvania game and halfback against Yale. Age 20, height 5 ft. 4 1-2 in., weight 142.

H. Wheeler 1900, enters college from St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. His home is in Philadelphia. He plays fullback or halfback. Height 6 ft., weight 175.
