

'99 FOOTBALL.- Every one be dressed to play at 3.30. All substitutes wanted. Game with '97.

J. W. FARLEY, Capt.ALL contributions for the December number of the Harvard Monthly must be sent to the Editor-in-chief before Nov. 25th.

SHOOTING CLUB.- Team practice this afternoon from 2 to 4. Bancroft, Stover, Lunt, Kinnicutt, Perkins, Hardy, Harris, Heckscher, Burden, Armistead, Byrd must practice.

E. DU PONT.'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 5 in 15 Hastings.

D. E. MITCHELL.A VERY important meeting of the Executive Committee of the Harvard Forum will be held this evening immediately after the regular debate. All members must be present.


WANTED forty men for Chinese Sunday Schools. No experience needed. For particulars call at Holden Chapel from 1 to 2 daily.
