
Dining Association Election.

The third ballot for President of the Dining Association was held at dinner last night and resulted in the election of I. Bowditch '97. 710 votes were cast and 356 were necessary for choice. I. Bowditch received 380, A. K. Moe L. S., 327, and scattering 3.

The officers of the Association for this half year are as follows:

President, I. Bowdich '97.

Vice-president, F. F. Lamson '97.

Directors.'97-W. H. Cram, A. Scott.


'98-F. H. Bigelow, S. L. Fuller.

'99-P. L. Burrill, W. C. Gerrish.

Graduate and Instructors.


Divinity School.H. White.

Law School.J. P. Hall, Y. S. T. Newell.
