ENGLISH 6.- The debate of the Tuesday Section in English 6, postponed from Nov. 3 to Nov. 5 will take place in Sever 11 at 3.30.
GEO. P. BAKER.MILITARY DRILL.- Those men wishing to take Military Drill will please meet Lieut. Robinson at 4.30 p. m., Thursday, at the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium.
FRENCH 1B.- Hour examination at 11, Thursday, Nov. 5; Tuesday section in Harvard 5; other sections in Upper Dane.
I. BABBITT.31 2t
GERMAN D.- Hour examination Thursday, November 5, at 9 o'clock, in Lower Massachusetts.
German C. Hour examination Thursday, November 5, at 10 o'clock, in Lower Massachusetts.
H. K. SCHILLING.ENGLISH 6 AND ENGLISH 30.- Members of English 6 and English 30 should provide themselves with the pamphlet "Harvard Debating," now on sale at the Harvard Co-operative Society.
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