

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The weekly meeting of the Association will be held as usual at 6.45 tomorrow evening in Holden Chapel. The leader will be R. C. Thomas '96, now of the Newton Theological Institution, who was last year president of the Association. Subject: John xix: 18. All members of the Association are cordially invited to be present.

NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY.- Botanical Section.- Meeting this evening at 7.30 in 24 Hilton. Mr. Fernald will speak upon "The Geographical Origin and Distribution of Maine Plants."

M. L. FERNALD, Chairman.'99 FOOTBALL.- Everybody be dressed to play at 3.30 sharp. All second eleven must come out.

J. W. FARLEY, Capt.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- There will be a business meeting of the society Wednesday evening, November 4, at 7 o'clock, in 17 Gray's.

W. C. GERRISH, Sec.SIGNET.- President Eliot is to speak at the Signet dinner on Saturday, and, as this is the first time the President has been able to honor the Signet, a large number of members, both graduate and undergraduate, should be present. The dinner will be at the University Club, 270 Beacon street, Boston, on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 8 o'clock. Those who can be there will please send word by Nov. 5, enclosing the subscription ($2.25) to


HENRY WARE, Secretary, 52 Allerton St., Brookline.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The meeting of the Association next Thursday evening will be led by Mr. R. C. Thomas, of the Newton Theological School, last year president of the Association. All members of the Universitp are cordially invited to be present at the meeting, which will be held as usual, in Holden Chapel at 6.45.

THE shingles of the Harvard Non-Partisan Silver Club are now ready for sale at 45 Walter Hastings. Fifty cents entitles to membership and a shingle.

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