

A Class Meeting to be Held at Yale to Consider the Matter.

Although the Yale athletic managers have been in communication for some time with the Athletic Committee on the subject of a renewal of athletic relations between the two universities, the committee has been waiting for the Yale student body to make some advances on the subject before any agreement is made on behalf of Harvard.

The following official statement appeared last Saturday in the Yale News:

"The Harvard athletic committee and the Yale athletic managers having severally held meetings and resolved that a resumption of athletic relation between the two universities is desirable, a university meeting will be called on Monday, November 30th, to ratify the policy of the Yale athletic management in making arrangements for the renewal and continuation of contests in track athletics, baseball, boating and football.

C. GILLETTE, Pres. Yale Ath. Asso.

G. C. BROOKE, Pres. Yale Baseball Asso.


J. S. WHEELWRIGHT, Pres. Yale Navy.

E. E. GARRISON, Pres. Yale Football Asso."
