
Special Notice.

TUTORING for the hour examination in Greek 10.

MAX BENSHIMOL, A, M.,48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. 49 3t

STUDENTS desiring to join an Artists' Life Class, held in Boston Thursday evenings, apply to F. A. Fewkes, 146 Lincoln street, Boston, before November 27, 1896. 44 tf.

DANCING.- Harvard gentlemen desiring to learn or practice the polite art will do well to address Mr. and Mrs. Black, 159 Mass. avenue, near Boylston street, Boston. Circulars malled. 18 20

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, German. Careful and thorough instruction.


J. H. WALDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn street.49 4t

EIDER-DOWN robes are warm and wear just as long as the blanket wraps which cost three times as much. We can show you a large variety of patterns in both eider-down and Turkish toweling at prices ranging from $2.00 to $7.00.

J. W. BRINE, 1312 and 1436 Mass. Ave.$60.00 BONUS on $150.00 room. Furnished, steam heated. Two minutes from college. South-east corner exposure. Apply at 18 Story street, evenings after 7.30. 49 3t

WILL the owner of the gold spectacles which were advertised in this paper some time ago, call at the CRIMSON office for them. tf

LOST.- A sable boa, Friday morning, between Wheeler's printing office and Quincy square. Please leave at CRIMSON office.

FOUND.- A bicycle which was found in front of Holden Chapel ten days ago has been left at College Office. Owner can have this bicycle by proving property and paying for this advertisement.

MENU of today's Table d'hote dinner at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street. Soup: Consomme Julienne. Fish: Cod au gratin. Joint: Broiled Chickens. Entrees: Breast of Lamb, Sauce piquante. Macaroni a la Creme. Vegetables: Celery, Cauliflower, Mashed Potatoes. Dessert: Apple dumplings. Coffee. Club room and table vacant. First class board.
