Princeton won its annual game with Yale at New York last Saturday by the decisive score of 24 to 6.
Princeton began by playing a kicking game, but, finding the Yale line quick at breaking through and Hinkey's punting very strong, Capt. Cochran cleverly changed his tactics and played a rushing game. Yale's line was no match for Princeton's in this respect as the score shows.
Yale's only touchdown was the result of a blocked kick by Rodgers. After this Yale was entirely on the defensive, and utterly unable to stop Princeton's tandem interference which was at all times remarkably effective. Princeton scored twice in the first half and Baird kicked both goals. In the second half three touchdowns were made for Princeton, but Baird missed every try for goal.
The line-up:
Brokaw, l. e. r. e., Conner.
Church, l. t. r. t., Murphy (Capt.)
Crowdis, l. g. r. g., Chadwick.
Gailey, c. c., Chamberlain.
Armstrong, r. g. l. g., Murray.
Hillebrand, r. t. l. t., Rodgers.
Cochran (Capt.), r. e. l. e., Bass.
Smith, q. b. q. b., Fincke.
Kelly, l. h. r. h., Benjamin.
r. h., Van Every.
Bannard, r. h. l. h., Hine.
Wheeler, r. h. l. h., Mills.
Baird, f. b. f. b., Hinkey.
Touchdowns-Bass, Baird, Kelley, Hillebrand, Bannard, Wheeler. Goals from touchdowns-Hine, Baird 2. Time-35m. halves.
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Appleton Chapel.