It is doubtless known to many that during the coming week the eminent Scotch author, Dr. John Watson (Ian Maclaren), is to visit Boston and to deliver lectures there. It is probably safe to say that as the author of the Bonnie Brier-Bush stories, Dr. Watson is more widely known and admired than any other author of recent years. Many will doubtless avail themselves of the opportunity to hear this remarkable man; but there will be many more who, for various reasons will be unable to do so. If, however, Dr. Watson could be persuaded to come to Cambridge, the entire student body would gladly hear him speak. He has been recently delivering a course of lectures at Yale, and has spoken at several of the western colleges. He would in all probability be willing to accept an invitation to address a Harvard audience. It seems to us that this opportunity ought not to be lost. Could not some of the societies which in past years have invited men of prominence to address the University take the matter in hand, and give the students the privilege of hearing this famous author?
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.