
Special Notice.

TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway.

GUITAR for sale, with case; very fine instrument. Address, X, CRIMSON office. 28 smw

WANTED.- A single room on Holyoke street, Mt. Auburn street or vicinity. Address, X, CRIMSON Office. 29 tf

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure headache.

FRENCH CONVERSATION.- Almost instantaneous system of acquiring French colloquially; no text-book; no grammar; greatest labor saving, time-saving system: an infallible method of gaining a "practical" use and full command of all the French verbs and leading idioms, within the compass of 800 words, imparting the power of "thinking" in French and fluency of expression. Trial lesson free. For particulars address Professor Etienne Lambert, 21 Worcester street, Boston. 23 tf


TAKE St. Chritobal Salts. Cure indigestion.

READ'S BLOCK, Boylston street. A few suites and single rooms in this favorite building to rent. Apply to janitor. 2 tf

Go to Bartlett's for St. Christobal Salts.

PUFFS are in style, and also the Ascot and Princess ties. We have taken a great deal of care in selecting the choicest patterns that can be obtained for the money.

J. W. BRINE, 1312 and 1436 Mass. Ave.ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS are sold by Hubbard the Druggist.

MRS. RANSFORD, of 22 Prescott street, will have a training table vacant on Nov. 22. Gentlemen desiring to engage a club table should make immediate application. 24 6t

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Keep the system pure.

TUTORING in Government 1, Philoso1, Economics 1, History 1, and History 10. Four years' successful experience. Latest notes, etc.

R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., (A. B. '96), 4 Hollis Hall.29 3t

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure liver trouble.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Private Lessons. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-tf

75cts. for cleansing and pressing your suit; 40cts. for cleansing and pressing your coat; 20cts. for cleansing and pressing your trousers. $9.00 for pressing all your clothes during college year. Strictly first class work. No trouble to call at your room. L. G. MacKeigan, Tailor, 15 Brattle street, just opposite post office. 27 3t.

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure diseases of the stomach.

PEABODY CLUB.- 126 Mt. Auburn street. Seats at general table $5 a week. Also room for one club table. 29 6t

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, German Careful and thorough instruction.

J. H. WANDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn street.29 4t

TUTORING in German and Italian. Experienced, successful; A1 references. Conversational lessons a specialty. Over two years' study abroad.

W. S. HAYES, 24 College House.29 3t

FOUND, night of parade (Friday), pair of gold spectacles. Owner may have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. 29 tf
