CERCLE FRANCAIS.- All candidates for parts in "L'Avare" meet Tuesday evening at 7.30, 16 Quincy street.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon 2-4.30.
H. F. LUNT.FIREWORKS.- An agent of the fireworks company will have red fire, etc., for sale to paraders at 17 Grays this afternoon.
INFORMATION CONCERNING PARADE.- Information concerning tonight's parade can be obtained from the Committee at Sound Money Headquarters, 17 Grays, at any time today.
HARVARD BAND.- The Harvard Band will meet in L. S. S. 1. at 6.30 p. m. Take Boston car at 6.50. Uniforms.
H. E. BAUMER.GLEE CLUB.- Glee Club will meet for the parade this evening, 6.45, corner Dane. Take 7 o'clock car for Boston.
H. C. TAYLOR.MARSHALS.- All marshals and aids in tonight's parade must report at the Headquarters, Grays 17, before 3 p. m., for instructions for the parade.
M. E. STONE.HORSES FOR PARADE.- The Mounted Staff and all desiring to join the cavalry squad in tonight's parade can secure mounts by signing at the committee headquarters, 17 Grays, before 12.30 today. Cost will be $3.75; quite possibly a better rate will be made. Most of the riders will wear golf costumes.
COMMITTEE.ATTENTION FRESHMEN!- The Fresman class will act as an escort to old John the Orangeman in this evening's parade. The class will assemble at 6.45 at the square, take the cars to the south end of Harvard Bridge, form column and escort John to the main body of the students.
It is unnecessary to suggest that no athlete or other man of prowess of the class should fail to be present at this important testimonial of our love for Old John and othes. Those having gowns should wear them, but there will be torches for those who come in their football suits or ordinary clothes. Further particulars at the Sound Money Headquarters, No. 17 Grays.
MARSHALS OF '00.THE shingles of the Harvard Non-Partisan Silver Club are now ready for sale at 45 Walter Hastings. Fifty cents entitles to membership and a shingles.
29 3t
DRUM CORPS and Fife and Drum Corps will combine for the parade this evening. Every man be on hand in L. S. S. at 6.15 sharp, ready to take car.
WANTED forty men for Chinese Sunday Schools. No experience needed. For particulars call at Holden Chapel from 1 to 2 daily.
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