
Harvard Chess Club.

The following men will contest in the final round of the tournament:

E. E. Southard, 25 Grays.

James Hewins, Jr., 45 Holyoke.

C. L. Barnard, 7 Summer St.

W. B. Cutting, Claverly 48.


E. B. Arensberg, 12 Oxford St.

W. C. Escott, 45 Trowbridge St.

Each player will play two games with every other player.

It is earnestly hoped by the committee that every player will not default any of his games but play the full quota. The final results should be handed in at 25 Grays before 6 p. m. November 14.

All games should be played at the rate of fifteen moves per hour, except by mutual consent of the players.

