

THERE will be an important meeting of tellers for the Class Day election in 22 Little's Block today at 2.30.

COMMITTEE.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- No rehearsal tonight.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- There will be a smoke-talk on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 8.30 p. m., in 10 Holworthy. Mr. Robert Woods of the Andover Club will give a talk on "The duty of the present generation to the workingmen."

HARVARD FIFE AND DRUM CORPS.- Picture will be taken by Pach, Wednesday, at 1.30, back of Sever. All men must be on hand in sweaters, white ducks, caps and gowns, and must bring instruments if possible.

LACROSSE TEAM.- Lacrosse practice at 3.30.


C. M. WOODS, Capt.
