

Mason and George Gray '95, Out to Coach.

The elevens lined up yesterday afternoon for half an hour's hard practice. Waters and Lewis were aided in the coaching by Mason, and George Gray '95, and succeeded in putting a good deal of life into the play.

Haughton was in the line-up for the first time since his injury several weeks ago, and played a good game, rushing well with the ball. Sullivan and Merriman were also out again and played on the second. Captain Wrightington played for a short time but soon gave place to Brine.

During the first part of the practice the first eleven kept the ball in the second eleven's territory and after Dibblee and Brown had exchanged kicks several times without advantage to either side, the first eleven rushed the ball to the fifteen yard line. Dunlop injured his knee at this juncture and gave place to Cozzens. A minute after Bouve made a beautiful plunge through the line and scored.

During the rest of the practice the ball was near the middle of the field the greater part of the time, until just before the end, when Dibblee, prevented from kicking, dodged in under his tacklers and through the whole first eleven and scored.

Cabot, Wheeler and Frank Shaw were out in their clothes, but only ran around the field.


The line-up:


Lewis, l. e. l. e., Fay.

Swain, l. t. l. t., Mills.

Bouve, l. g. l. g., Jaffray.

Doucette, c. c., Hoague.

N. Shaw, r. g. r. g., Sargent.

Haughton, Lee, r. t. r. t., Merriman.

Merriman, r. t. r. t., Tuckerman.

Moulton, r. e. r. e., Richardson.

Beale, q. b. q. b., Wadsworth.

Wadsworth, q. b. q. b., Scott.

Wrightington, l. h. b. l. h. b., Sullivan.

Brine, l. h. b.

Dunlop, r. h. b. r. h. b., Cozzens.

Cozzens, r. h. b. r. h. b., Livermore.

Brown, f. b. f. b., Dibblee.
