HARVARD EXETER CLUB.- Through mistake the tickets for the game did not arrive last night. They will be at Leavitt and Peirce's by ten o'clock today sure.
WELD BOAT CLUB.- The boat house will be open for men to get clothes Monday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock.
ANDOVER-EXETER GAME.- Railroad and seat tickets are to be had this morning from 9-11 at 33 Thayer Hall. If it is so stormy that special car is not run, money on special tickets will be refunded. Train leaves Union Station at 12.25.
SAILOR MISSION.- It has been decided not to begin the Sunday work at the Twharf until after the arrangements for a club-room have been completed. It is hoped that this will be done now in a very short time.
SOCIAL UNION.- Teachers are urgently needed for classes in French, English Composition, English Literature, Banjo, Guitar, Harmony. Lessons are only one hour a week. Four men are also needed for special service. Volunteers please apply to Mr. Legh R. Pearson, Social Union Building, 42 Brattle street, or to G. H. Dorr '97, 56 Plympton street.
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