CERCLE FRANCAIS.- The second public lecture in the Cercle Francais series will be given this evening in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Art Museum, by Professor Barrett Wendell. The subject is: The value of an appreciation of French style to writers of English. The lecture is open to the public.
HARVARD EXETER CLUB.- Last chance today to sign for seats for the Andover game. Blue-book at Leavitt and Peirce's. Tickets one dollar.
E. H. DARLING.ANDOVER-EXETER GAME.- All men who have signed blue-books call at 33 Thayer Hall today between 10 and 11 a. m., or 7 and 9 p. m., to receive tickets. Special car leaves at 12.25 from Union Station. Ticket good returning on any train. Special rates of admission to the game can be secured by those who get tickets today.
LACROSSE practice today at 3.30.
C. M. WOODS, Capt.THERE will be a meeting of the Committee on Arrangements for the Princeton Debate, Friday in 15 Stoughton at 7 p. m. Every member should be present, as the Harvard side in the Harvard-Princeton debate must be selected definitely.
A. M. SAYRE, Chairman.SOCIAL UNION.- Teachers are urgently needed for classes in French, English Composition, English Literature, Banjo, Guitar, Harmony. Lessons are only one hour a week. Four men are also needed for special service. Volunteers please apply to Mr. Legh R. Pearson, Social Union Building, 42 Brattle street, or to G. H. Dorr '97, 56 Plympton street.
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