CHEMISTRY 2.- The course will meet as usual on Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 9 o'clock in Boylston 9. The hour examination announced for that date is postponed until 9 a. m., Friday, Nov. 13. Due notice will be given of the room in which the examination will be held. 36 2t
THE postponed History 1 examination will take place Wednesday, November 10, at 9 a. m., in the rooms announced yesterday.
A. C. COOLIDGE.ENGLISH A, SECTION IIC.- The room for the hour examination will be announced in Thursday's CRIMSON.
J. P. COTTON, JR.ENGINEERING EXCURSION.- An inspection will be made of the steam plant of the Boston Electric Light Co., at Gilbert Place, Atlantic Avenue, on Wednesday, the 11th inst., at 2.30 p. m. This visit is open to all members of the University.
LIONEL S. MARKS.MILITARY DRILL.- I will be unable to meet the squad for drill until Thursday.
WIRT ROBINSON, 1st Lieut. 4th U. S. Artillery.ENGLISH A, SECTION 5A.- The class will meet today, Tuesday, at eleven o'clock in Lower Mass., instead of Upper Mass.
C. E. NOYES.ENGLISH A.- The hour examination will be held Thursday, November 12, at 12 o'clock instead of Saturday, November 14.
Section VI will meet, therefore, for the writing of themes Saturday, November 14, at 12 o'clock instead of Thursday.
B. S. HURLBUT.35 4t
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Death of Mr. Sibley.