

'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Trial for candidates for the 'Varsity Mandolin Club takes place Tuesday evening, October 13, in 3 Matthews Hall. Every student playing either mandolin or guitar is urged to try. Mandolin trial at 7.30. Guitar trial at 8.30.

J. DEK. TOWNER, Secretary.8 4t

SOCIAL UNION.- Teachers are needed in elements of engineering, mandolin, guitar, cornet and harmony. Volunteers will please send their names to Legh R. Pearson, Social Union, or to G. H. Dorr '97, 56 Plympton street. 9 5t

HARVARD FORUM.- Business meeting Friday, October 9, at half past seven in Stoughton 25. It is important that all members should be present.

F. C. SUTRO, Secretary.JOIN the Harvard Republican Club and get shingles at 9 Holworthy. Hours from 10 until 4 o'clock and from 6.30 until 7 in the evening.


K. DE LAITTRE, Sec.9 6t

The Beck Hall Tennis Courts are now ready for use. Those wishing to join the association may leave their names with the treasurer, 3 Beck Hall. 6 3t
