
Special Notice.

STNDENTS wishing their hair trimmed in the most scientific manner should call at Griffiths Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle street, Harvard square. Four artists in attendance, all special hair cutters. Razors honed and cared for.

C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston. 2 tf

COLLEGE YEAR 1896-7.- First-class table board for students, $6.00 per week. Club tables, also general table. Mrs. E. S. Evans, 1124 Massachusetts avenue, Cambridge. Opposite Remington street. 6 2t

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS prevent biliousness.

MR. FRED'K W. WHITAKER, of Whitaker and Co., tailors, 43 Conduit street, London, W., has arrived at Young's Hotel, Boston, with special samples for winter. He will be there until the 13th inst. Hotel hours, 9 to 11 a. m.; 4.30 to 7 p. m.


TO LET.- A very desirable room at a reduction. Apply immediately at 60 Mt. Auburn street. 6 2t

ROOM TO LET.- $50 per year. Sunny, pleasant, furnace heat and lighted. Inquire at Holyoke 46, from 2 to 3 p. m. daily. 1-tf

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS cost 25 or 50 cents.

READ'S BLOCK, Boylston street. A few suites and single rooms in this favorite building to rent. Apply to janitor. 2tf

10 APPIAN WAY.- Pleasant, well-lighted rooms, with furnace heat and convenient bath. Arranged especially for students. Also first-class table board at reasonable rates. Between Garden and Brattle streets, just across the Common. 2 6t

GO to Bartlett's for St. Christobal Salts.

APPLICATIONS can now be made for club tables and seats at general table. Highest University references. Special accommodations for Law School men.

MRS. RANSFORD, 22 Prescott street.2 6t

CLUB HOUSE OR STUDENTS' DORMITORY.- The house 12 Dunster street, on the corner of Mount Auburn street, is to let. It can be seen only by application to M. P. White, 53 Devonshire street, Boston. 5 3t

ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS prevent typhoid fever.

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Greek 10, Semitic 12. Max Benshimol, 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge.

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