NEW set of Irving, half-morocco, for sale. $8.00. Address, R. H. W., CRIMSON office.
ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS are sold by Hubbard the Druggist.
FOR SALE.- A fine old mahogany secretary, with secret drawer and book case combined. Made in 1750. Apply at this office.
TO RENT.- A furnished sunny front room in a private family on Remington street. Apply at this office.
FOR SALE.- A mahogany 19-foot single scull, shell-bottom, outrigged gig, very little used. Has sliding seat. 9-foot sculls, rudder and seat for one passenger. Apply by mail to
W. F. CORNE, 38 Concord avenue.7 2t
$15.- A bonus of $15 is offered to any one taking 41 Divinity Hall. Room assigned to present holder too late for his own use. Large front corner room with alcove. Price (less bonus) $60. Apply at Bursar's office and at 36 Grays. Bonus payable at once.
ST. CHRISTOBAL SALTS cure headache.
TUTORING.- Mr. T. Allison, B. A. (Oxford), A. M. (Harvard), formerly assistant in Econ. 10, will tutor gentlemen in English History and Latin. Specialties: English Economic History and Mediae-Latin.
5 3t 7 Howland street, Cambridge.
PEABODY CLUB, 126 Mt. Auburn street. Seats at general table $5 a week. Also room for one club table. 3 6t
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, October 13, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-tf
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H. A. A.