
Sound Money Campaign Club.

A very enthusinstic meeting was held last night in Upper Massachusetts to form a Sound Money Campaign Club. There were about 1000 men present, crowding the hall to such an extent that all the standing room was taken up. W. B. Wolffe 1G., opened the meeting with an address on he objects and proposed work of the club. H. Schurz '97 was elected temporary chairman and W. B. Wolffe, 1G, permanent secretary. The election of officers resulted as follows:

President-M. E. Stone, Jr., '97.

Vice-presidents-From '97, H. Schurz and C. N. Bliss, Jr.; '98, F. Dobyns and C. Grilk; '99, W. H. Conroy and M. Donald; '00, W. Burden and J. Dunstan; L. S., A. M. Kales, J. P. Hall, W. E. Hutton and J. S. Bryan; G. S., C. A. Duniway and J. P. Warren; D. S., S. Jones.

A resolution was then passed authorizing the president to appoint an executive committee of nine to carry on the active work of the club.
