REGISTRATION IN ENGLISH C.- The registration in English C will take place in Sever 11 from 12 to 1.30 today, Tuesday. Each student should get at the door a tabular-view card. On this he should put his name, his class, and his list of courses for the year. If he has any preference among the hours left free for the lectures in English C, he should mark the hour preferred with an x.
GEOLOGY 17 and 22a and b.- The first meeting of Geology 17 will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 1.30 p. m., in Room 3, ground floor of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. At this meeting lecture and laboratory hours will be arranged to suit the convenience of the students that take the course.
The first meeting of Geology 22a and 22b will be the Geological Conference at 7.45 p. m. Tuesday, October 6, in Room 2, ground floor, M. Z. At this meeting the proposed general excursions for the autumn field season will be announced.
Mr. Jaggar may be consulted daily about his courses or the excursions from 9 to 10 a. m.. room 3, ground floor, M. Z.
ECONOMICS 12 will meet in Harvard 5.
CHAS F. DUNBAR.GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE.- The first meeting of the Geological Conference will be held in Room 2, first floor, Museum, Tuesday evening, October 6, at 7.45. Students in Geology 22a and 22b attend this conference as part of their regular work.
The conference is open to students in all courses in geology, geography, mining, mineralogy, and petrography. Members of advanced courses are cordially invited to present papers and to take part in the discussions.
W. M. DAVIS, Chairman, Dept. Geol. and Geog. T. A. JAGGAR, JR., Secretary of Conference. 3 4t
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