GERMAN 1A.- Section 1.- Adams Forbes. Prof. Bartlett. Sever 1.
Section 2.- Fowler-Willard. Prof. von Jagemann. Sever 29.
Section 3.- Morris. Williams. Mr. Howard. Sever 26.
On Saturday, October 17, and following Saturdays, all sections will meet together in Harvard 6.
GERMAN 4 will meet henceforth in Harvard 5.
K. FRANCKE.ENGLISH 13.- The course will meet in Sever 6-not Sever 5.
LEWIS E. GATES.GEOLOGY 18.- Geology 18 will be open this year only to members of the Scientific School of whom it is required for the degree. The first meeting will be held in the Geological Laboratory, Agassiz Museum, on Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 4.30 p. m.
H. L. SMYTH.ARCHAEOLOGY 1.- The course will meet at the Peabody Museum Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 p. m., and not at 3.30 p. m. 4 2t
PHILOSOPHY 19B.- The first meeting in Philosophy 19b will occure on Thursday, October 8, at 4.30 p. m. in Sever 8.
GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE.- The first meeting of the Geological Conference will be held in Room 2, first floor, Museum, Tuesday evening, October 6, at 7.45. Students in Geology 22a and 22b attend this conference as part of their regular work.
The conference is open to students in all courses in geology, geography, mining, mineralogy, and petrography. Members of advanced courses are cordially invited to present papers and to take part in the discussions.
W. M. DAVIS, Chairman, Dept. Geol. and Geog. T. A. JAGGAR, JR.,Secretary of Conference. 3 4t
PHYSICS B.- The first meeting of the class in Physics B will be held on Monday, Oct. 5, at 12 o'clock, in Jefferson Laboratory 1.
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University Calendar.