
Musical Clubs.

Beginning with the Glee Club trial on Thursday and Friday nights, the Musical Club swill begin their year's work in earnest, and make every endeavor towards turning out successful organizations whether the Faculty permits a Christmas trip or not. There should be an extra inducement for '00 men to try for the 'Varsity Glee Club this fall, inasmuch as the officers have decided that all Freshmen who show some ability at the 'Varsity trial need not be examined again for the Freshman Club. This arrangement will save considerable time for the Glee Club and worry for the candidates.

The management of the Princeton Musical Clubs has sent an invitation to the Harvard Clubs to give a joint concert with them here on Nov. 7th, the night before the Harvard-Princeton game. The officers of the Glee Club doubt very much if they can accept Princeton's proposal, as the time for forming a new Glee Club is so short before the proposed date. Under Mr. Locke's coaching, however, they may be prepared by that time.
