
Special Notice.

STUDENTS wishing their hair trimmed in the most scientific manner should call at Griffith's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle street, Harvard square. Four artists in attendance, all special hair cutters. Razors honed and cared for.

C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston. 2 tf

How will Massachusetts vote? At great expense the Boston Sunday Journal has canvassed the state. Read it tomorrow.

LOOK HERE!-To Let. Two fine rooms, very convenient and very cheap, at 53 Church street. 26 3t

TUTORING in Gov. 1, Phil. 1, Economics 1, History 1, and History 10.


R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., (H. '96), 4 Hollis Hall.FOR SALE at $50, Eclipse special, $125 wheel of 1895, little used, good condition.

C. E. OZANNE, 11 Wendell street.26 2t

INTERCOLLEGIATE Parade reported in full in today's Boston Journal. For sale at Thurston's, Memorial, Foxcroft, etc.

TUTORING.- Greek, Latin, German. Long and successful experience.

J. H. WALDEN, PH. D., 13 Mt. Auburn street.24 3t

TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway.

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure headache.

FRENCH CONVERSATION.- Almost instantaneous system of acquiring French colloquially; no text-book; no grammer; greatest labor saving, time-saving system; an infallible method of gaining a "practical" use and full command of all the French verbs and leading idioms, within the compass of 800 words, imparting the power of "thinking" in French and fluency of expression. Trial lesson free. For particulars address Professor Etienne Lambert, 21 Worcester street, Boston 23 tf

TAKE St. Christobal Salts. Cure indigestion.

READ'S BLOCK, Boylston street. A few suites and single rooms in this favorite building to rent. Apply to janitor. 2 tf

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