'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 4 sharp, 15 Hastings.
THERE will be a meeting of the Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Princeton and Yale debates, at 15 Stoughton this afternoon at 2.
ADOLPHE MONELL SAYRE, Chairman.'99 FOOTBALL.- Practice at 3.45. Everyone must come out.
J. W. FARLEY, Capt.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon at 2. Members who wish to enter for a series of handicap shoots send me their names before November sixth.
H. F. LUNT, 27 Thayer Hall.LAMPOON.- On account of the '97-'98 class football game and the early start of the Republican parade, there will be no board meeting this afternoon.
H. T. NICHOLS.EVERY '99 man is earnestly urged to come out and march in the parade tonight. It is hoped that the class will make as good a showing as in the parade last spring.
J. B. HOLDEN, JR., Head Marshal.UNIFORMS.- All men must get their uniforms before 4 o'clock today. The uniform department is in 9 Roberts Hall and will close promptly at 4 o'clock.
THERE are still a few flambeaux left. Those who wish them must call early.
No megaphones will be held for men who have singed first list after ten today.
'98 FOOTBALL.- Every one must be dressed promptly at 3.30 o'clock.
C. B. MANNING, Capt.IF any subscriber to the Harvard Monthly has not yet received a copy of the October number, he is requested to inform the business manager. Address, Harvard Monthly, Cambridge.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- All men in the University who have ever sung on the club meet at Dane Hall at 6 o'clock sharp to join the parade.
H. C. TAYLOR.DRUM CORPS.- Short rehearsal at L. S. S., at 5 o'clock sharp. Report for pararde at L. S. S., at 6 sharp. Wear red sweaters and white trousers under the cap and gown.
REPUBLICAN FIFE AND DRUM CORPS.- The Fife and Drum Corps will meet in front of the Scientific Building tonight at 6 o'clock. All men must be on time.
HARVARD BAND will meet in L. S. S., Room 1, at 6 o'clock.
H. E. BAUMER, Leader.CERCLE FRANCAIS.- The public lecture announced to be given by Professor Baker on Friday evening at eight o'clock, in the Fogg Art Museum lecture room, is postponed until the following Friday, November 6, at the same hour and palce.
THE class of 1900 must be fully represented in the Republican Intercollegiate Parade Friday night. All Freshmen must turn out.
R. W. BLISS, Class Marshal.WANTED forty men for Chinese Sunday Schools. No experience needed. For particulars call at Holden Chapel from 1 to 2 daily.
Read more in News
Freshman Crew Notice.