

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- There will be an important meeting of the Shooting Club in Holworthy 22 Monday evening at 7.30. All members of the University who are interested in shooting are requested to be present.

W. BYRD.4 2t

THOSE men on the College Baseball Nine who have not already obtained the photograph of the team can procure it now at Pach's.

R. H. CARLETON, Manager.CRICKET ELEVEN.- The following men be in front of Leavitt and Peirce's at 9.45 a. m. sharp to go to Brockton: Adams, Scattergood, Hastings, Morgan, W. Byrd, O. Byrd, Waters. Gray, Comfort, Webster, Blanchard. Permission has been granted the above men to hand in their enrolment cards at U. 4 in the morning.

SHEPARD MEMORIAL CHURCH.- The classes of Harvard students for the study of the Bible will be resumed Sunday at 12 o'clock. The class in the church will be under the leadership of Mr. John W. Rice '91, and that in the chapel under Mr. C. F. Stratton. All students are cordially invited.


ALL men who wish to try for the business managership of the Harvard Monthly are requested to send their names to me at once.

W. B. PARKER, Bus. Mgr., C. 67.3 2t

CLASS ELEVENS.- All members of the '97, '98 and '99 elevens meet at 9 Hollis, Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock.

E. N. WRIGHTINGTON.HARVARD LAMPOON.- All members of the classes of '99 and '00 desiring to try for the position of Business Editor will please call at Little's 9, Monday or Tuesday (October 5 and 6), from 1.30 to 2.30. 3

ALL men desiring to try for editorship on the Harvard Monthly are urged to send manuscripts to H. A. Phillips, 28 Holyoke street, as early in the college year as possible. Manuscripts unaccompanied by stamps will not be returned. For the November number manuscripts must be sent in before October 20.
