

ALL members of the Republican Club who desire to attend the great Republican rally in Music Hall Wednesday night may obtain tickets at 9 Holworthy Hall. As admission will be strictly by ticket, and as there are only a limited number of tickets, members are urged to come early. Special cars will leave the square at six sharp and no one will be allowed on the cars except those having tickets. The Harvard Glee Club will accompany the club and will lead the singing at the Rally.

ALL men who wish to carry small megaphones in the Republican intercollegiate parade Friday night can obtain the same by applying at the Republican Headquarters, Holworthy 9. Applications must be made as soon as possible as the number of megaphones is limited.

INTERCOLLEGIATE PARADE.- All men who wish to carry flambeaux in the Republican parade instead of torches call at 9 Holworthy. There are only 40 flambeax and those wishing them them should call early.

DRUM Corps meet at 7.15 p. m. at L. S. S. steps. All men, whether they have drums or not, must report.

FIFE AND DRUM CORPS.- Practice in Scientific Building, Room 1, at 4.30. All players must attend.


'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight for new men at 1256 Mass. Ave., at 7 o'clock sharp.

R. B. FLERSHEM, Sec.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- A special car will leave Harvard square tonight at 6 o'clock for Music Hall. The following men must attend: Woodruff, Fairbanks, Canterbury, Ullman, Lane, Valentine, Dobyns, Sharkey, Ward, Hastings, Turner, Wadsworth, Wood, McKittrick, Huntress, Robinson, Harris, Kingsbury, Lehman, Clarkson, Dexter, Bacon, Taylor, Osborne, Gilder, Coleman, Denison, Heilman.

H. C. TAYLOR.USHERS for the Symphony Concerts who have not yet received their tickets will please be in front of Leavitts today at 11.45.

F. B. WHITTEMORE.CERCLE FRANCAIS.- The public lecture announced to be given by Professor Baker on Friday evening next, at eight o'clock, in the Fogg Art Museum lecture room, is postponed until the following Friday, November 6, at the same hour and place.

HARVARD REPUBLICAN CLUB BAND.- Meeting today at 4.30, in Lawrence Scientific 1. A full attendance is desired.

H. E. BAUMER, Leader.THE class of 1900 must be fully represented in the Republican Intercollegiate Parade Friday night. All Freshmen must turn out.

R. W. BLISS, Class Marshal.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The meeting of the Association this week will be devoted to a consideration of foreign missions. Rev. M. F. Thomas, formerly a missionary to Burmah, will speak. The meeting will be held as usual in Holden Chapel at 6.45 Thursday evening. All members of the University are cordially invited to be present.
