The snappy practice yesterday afternoon, after Saturday's hard game, was very encouraging. Two thirty-minute halves were played, and in the first half, by hard and aggressive work, the first eleven scored repeatedly. Dunlop kicked and rused well, and Cabot followed the ball closely and tackled hard.
In the second half coaches Waters and and Newell played tackles on the second and held up the whole line. The half was especially noticeable for a long run by Irwin-Martin, who caught a long punt on the run and ran forty yards for a touchdown. The work of the centre men on the first eleven was of a high order. They held firmly and opened up big holes. The line up:
Cabot, Graydon, l. e. l. e., Richardson.
Mills, Sargent, l. t. l. t., Waters.
Bouve, l. g. l. g., Burden.
F. Shaw, c. c., Doucette.
N. Shaw, Jaffray, r. g. r. g., Tuckerman.
Haughton, Merriman, r. t. r. t., Newell.
Moulton, Lewis, r. e. r. e., Fay.
Wadsworth, Cochrane, q. q., Scott.
Dunlop, Hurley, r. h. b. r. h. b., Dayton.
Sullivan, l. h. l. h., Bryan.
Dibblee, Weld, f. b. f. b., Martin.
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