The plan for a State university, housed in the most coherent and handsome group of educational edifices in the world, is now near realiza ion. The announcement has been made at a board of regents' meeting that $4,000,000 had been promised by private citizens as soon as the State gave $500,000. Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst is the principal donor to the fund. She offers to give money to obtain plans by international competition and to pay Professor B. R. Maybeck, who will explain the project to eastern and European architects. Mrs. Hearst, in her letter, said it was her desire to do something as a memorial to Senator Hearst's love for the State. It is understood that she will cause to be erected two buildings as a part of any plan accepted. One will be a direct memorial to the dead senator. In addition the colleges will be liberally endowed. Other public-spirited citizens are ready to advance other millions for the buildings.
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