

The Organization of the Harvard Division for Friday Night.

The parade of college Republican clubs in Boston on Friday night, October 30, promises to be a decided success. The blue-books that have been conspicuously placed about the University shwo an enrollment of over 800 men.

The Harvard contingent will be under the direct command of James Dean, Harvard matshal. He will be assisted by a staff of four aids-Evan Hollister '97, S. Hollister '97, H. Ladd '97 and Hallowell '97. The formation and charge of the classes will be in the hands of Class Marshals H. T. Nichols '97, D. Goodrich '98, Joshua Holden Jr., '99, Robert Bliss 1900. The Law School will be marshalled by R. M. Townsend, H. '96. There will also be a marshal from the Medical School.

The Harvard contingent will constitute Division 2 of the parade and should turn out 1500 men strong.

Each college forms a division and each division will be represented on the chief marshal's staff by two chief aids. The start of the parade will be at the Hotel Vendome and the column will pass over the following route: Commonwealth Av. to Mass. Av., Huntington Av., Dartmouth St., Commonwealth Av., countermarch at Arlington to north side Commonwealth Av., Dartmouth St., Beacon St., School St., Washington St., Elliot St., and disband at Park Square, after passing the chief marshal and staff on review. Eight brass bands and as many fife and drum corps will accompany the parade, while an abundance of red fire, flambeaux, torches and megaphones will add to the success of the pageantry. "John the Orangeman" will ride with his cart on a dray.

Arnold Scott '97, chief marshal of the parade, is perfecting arrangements for the delivery of torches to the Harvard Division which will be announced later, as will all the details of obtaining uniforms, etc. It is hoped that all who have not already done so will signify their intention of parading by signing the blue-books.

