
Sound Money Intercollegiate Parade.

The Sound Money Intercollegiate parade will take place in Boston on the eve of election day. As it is the only demonstration to be made exclusively by college men of New England, no outside clubs being allowed to participate, its success is assured. The Intercollegiate Republican League and the National Democratic College League are cooperating actively with the Harvard Sound Money Campaign Club and one of the largest parades made up of college men only will be the result.

Each college is to have two Marshals. The marshals for the Harvard representation are in part as follows, others will be appointed later:

'97-E. N. Wrightington, H. Schurz, J. Dean, S. Hollister, A. A. Sprague, R. H. Stevenson, Jr., E. L. Rantoul, J. W. Dunlop, H. G. Gray, E. Hollister, D. Fales, E. N. Fenno, W. H. Sanders.

'98-D. M. Goodrich, B. H. Hayes, H. K. Brent, J. H. Perkins, C. C. Bull, G. T. Morse, J. S. Graydon.

'99-M. Donald, P. D. Haughton, P. M. Jaffray, W. E. McHenry, B. H. Dibblee.


1900-O. Byrd, W. A. M. Burden, G. Maniere.

Graduate School-A. Brewer, E. H. Warren, H. S. Colton.

Law School-A. M. Kales, W. L. Garrison Jr., W. Lord, S. C. Milliken, R. M. Townsend, W. H. Cameron, W. Coleman, W. E. Hutton, W. H. Gorrill.

Medical School-A. Broughton, M. Ladd, R. Soutter.

Marshal of entire parade-M. E. Stone Jr.
