
Official Notice.

GEOLOGICAL NOTICES.- The following notices were accidentally omitted from the University Calendar this week:

Tuesday, Oct 27.- Geological Conference. Papers. "Recent Accessions of Geological Material," Professor Davis; "On an instrument for inclining a preparation in the microscope," Mr. T. A. Jaggar. Geological Laboratory, Room 2, ground floor, M. Z., 7.45 p. m.

Open to all members of the University.

Friday, Oct. 30. Geological Excursion to the Coastal Plain of Southwestern Maine, conducted by Professor Davis.

Leave by steamer for Portland Friday afternoon. Return Sunday afternoon. Intending members must positively advise Mr. T. A. Jaggar on or before Wednesday morning, as special arrangements are to be made. Office hours, 9-10 a. m., Room 3, ground floor, M. Z.


Open to all members of New England colleges (for men).

ENGLISH C.- The pamphlet containing material for the preliminary brief will be on sale at the Co-operative store this morning at 9 o'clock. All sections will need the "Specimens of Argumentation" (Modern) at the meetings today and tomorrow.
