'VARSITY MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 5 sharp in 15 Hastings.
WILL all the Harvard marshals of the intercollegiate Republican parade call and see me this morning between 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock. It is imperative that I see every marshal this morning.
ARNOLD SCOTT, Chief Marshal.HARVARD FIFE AND DRUM CORPS.- All members of the Harvard Fife and Drum Corps meet in front of University Hall at 6 o'clock this evening. Men must call at 48 Weld between the hours of 10 and 12 or from 2.30 to 4.30 for important information.
CENTRAL NEW YORK CLUB.- A meeting and "smoker" of the Central New York Club will be held Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, at 7.30 p. m., in 43 Thayer Hall. All Freshmen who live in Central New York are most cordially invited.
C. C. MANN, Sec.ALL men who have not already signed for uniform and torch in the Republican blue-books should sign before Wednesday night in the Sound Money Club blue-books.
W. B. WOLFFE, Sec.ALL men who wish to carry small megaphones in the Republican intercollegiate parade Friday night can obtain the same by applying at the Republican Headquarters, Holworthy 9. Applications must be made as soon as possible as the number of megaphones is limited.
23 2t
JOIN the Harvard Republican Club at 9 Holworthy Hall between 9-4.30 or 6.30 to 8.
KARL DE LAITTRE, Sec.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal of entire orchestra Monday, Oct. 26, at 7 p. m. sharp. It is absolutely necessary that everybody attend on time as a great deal of work must be done in order to get ready for a concert in Boston. There will be a business meeting for members after the rehearsal. Meeting of officers at 6.30 in Roberts Hall.
H. COONLEY, Sec.SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATS ! Attend the national ratification meeting at Music Hall, Boston, tonight. Special cars will leave the square at 6.45 p. m.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon from 2 to 4.30. Men can join the club at the grounds or at 27 Thayer Hall.
H. F. LUNT.DRUM CORPS.- Rehearsal this afternoon in L. S. S. 1 at 4.30. Bring drums.
THERE will be a meeting of the Joint Committee on Arrangements for the Princeton and Yale debates this evening as 7, at 15 Stoughton.
A. M. SAYRE, Chairman.COLLEGE Republicans will visit McKinley Friday, October 30. Special trains from the east will leave Thursday morning, Oct. 29. All who desire to go should communicate with Wm. B. Woffe for rates, etc.
ITALIAN AND ENGLISH.- Several Italians at the North End Union, Boston, are eager to study English. A volunteer teacher is wanted. Particulars can be learned by addressing C. W. Birtwell at 20 Hancock street, Boston, or calling upon him next Tuesday at 17 Grays between 9 and 11 a. m.
ADVOCATE.- The secretary will be at his room, 6 Thayer, Monday afternoon, Oct. 26, from four to five to return Mss. to contributors. Will all men who have had Mss. rejected recently, please claim them on that day.
All men wishing to submit Mss. for the third number of the Advocate will kindly have them in the secretary's hands on or before Monday, Oct. 26.
R. P. TTER, Sec.20 4t.
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