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We publish this morning a communication calling attention to a state of affairs in the athletics of the Freshman Class, which, to say the least, should cause 1900 deep mortification.

There appears to be in the first place a serious lack of coaching for the Freshman football team, as one man can hardly be expected to take charge of both the first and the second elevens. For this, perhaps, the class is not wholly responsible. There is, however, a lack of serious attention to business and a general carelessness shown by the second eleven which is utterly inexcusable, even though its members have no special coach to keep them up to the mark.

In view of the good records of preceeding classes, both in successes won, and in the hard, conscientious work which made those successes possible, it is the more surprising that the present class fails to realize its responsibility.

The University looks to 1900 to win its football games, as '98 and '99 have done before it, and if a good team is to be developed, it must be by the aid of a plucky energetic second eleven. A second coach should be secured if possible, and the class must see to it that for the rest of the season, their football prospects shall not suffer for the want of a snappy, efficient scrub team.
