
Princeton's Anniversary Day.

Yesterday was anniversary day proper at Princeton and many distinguished men who have been unable to attend the other events were present at the exercises in Alexander Hall.

After the announcement was made of gifts to the university amounting to nearly a million dollars, and the name of Princeton University was formally adopted in place of the "College of New Jersey," addresses were made by Dr. Patton and President Cleveland. The honorary degrees were then conferred, among them being the following:

Doctors of Philosophy.

William James, Professor of Psychology in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.

George Lincoln Goodale, Fisher Professor of Natural History and Director of the Botanical Garden in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.


Wilhelm Doerpfeld, First Secretary of the German Archaeological Institute, Athens, Greece.

Seth Low, President of Columbia University, New York City.

Doctor of Divinity.

Rev. Professor Joseph Henry Thayer, Bussey Professor of New Testament Criticism and Interpretation in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
