
No Headline

The eleven left the square about 6 o'clock last night in a special car and took the 7.15 train for Ithaca, where it will arrive this morning. Seven or eight hundred men assembled in the square and gave the team an enthusiastic sendoff.

The following men left last night: Moulton, Richardson, Cabot, Lewis, Graydon, Sargent, Mills, Haughton, Merriman, Swain, Donald, Wheeler, Bouve, N. Shaw, Jaffray, Burden, Doucette, F. Shaw, Beale, Cochrane, Dunlop, Sullivan, Livermore, Warren, Brown, Dibblee.

M. Newell and Manager Jenney accompanied the men. Coach Waters and Captain Wrightington will leave for Ithaca today.
