Last evening the third ten of the Institute of 1770 was taken on in the following order:
1. W. R. Mayo, Norfolk, Va.
2. J. B. Holden, Jr., Billerica.
3. L. E. Ware, Brookline.
4. C. H. L. Johnston, Washington.
5. F. R. Nourse, Boston.
6. E. A. Boardman, Boston.
7. F. R. Swift, New Bedford.
8. C. H. McDuffie, Manchester, N. H.
9. P. Davis, New York.
10. D. H. Farr, Philadelphia.
Honoraries, H. L. Sayer, Jr., '98, Howard Adams '98.
The following honoraries were also taken on last week: J. M. Lawton, Jr., '99, H. Schurz '97, J. B. Moulton '98.
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