ALL who desire shingles for the Sound Money Democratic Club may obain them, and new members may enroll, at 3 Thayer on Thursday and Friday, from 5 to 6 p. m., and on Saturday from 10 to 12 a. m.
R. W. SPRAGUE, JR., Treasurer.20 3t
'99 FOOTBALL.- Practice at 3.30. Every one be out promptly.
J. W. FARLEY, Capt.ADVOCATE.- The secretary will be at his room, 6 Thayer, Monday afternoon, Oct. 26, from four to five to return Mss. to contributors. Will all men who have had Mss. rejected recently, please claim them on that day.
All men wishing to submit Mss. for the third number of the Advocate will kindly have them in the secretary's hands on or before Monday, Oct. 26.
R. P. UTTER, Sec.20 4t.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Shoot this afternoon 2-4.30. Founders' Cup will be shot for.
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