ALL Republicans who have not joined the Harvard Republican Club, join at 9 Holworthy. Office hours, 9-4 and 6.30-7.30.
ALL members of the Harvard Republican Club meet at the Harvard Gate to march in a body to Mayor Bancroft's. The Band and Drum Corps will be in attendance.
SHOOTING CLUB.- Regular shoot Thursday from 2 to 4.30 p. m. Founders' Cup will be shot for. Men who wish to join the club may do so at 27 Thayer Hall or at the grounds.
H. F. LUNT.'99 FOOTBALL.- Everybody be dressed at 3.30 sharp. Game with Hopkinson at 4. All men on either squad that have not yet been examined must be today. Report at Gymnasium any time after 2 p. m.
J. W. FARLEY, Capt.ALL members of the University wishing to join the H. A. A. may do so by applying at Thurston's or to F. R. Nourse, secretary, 26 Holyoke street, between 1.30 and 2.30 p. m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. Initiation fee $5.00.
SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATIC CLUB.- All sound money Democrats are urged to join the Sound Money Democratic Club. Enroll at leavitt and Peirce's or at 3 Thayer Hall. Dues, fifty cents. No extra charge for shingles.
SOUND MONEY DEMOCRATIC CLUB.- Mass meeting in Lower Mass. Tuesday evening, at 7.30. All sound money Democrats in the University are requested to be present.
J. S. BRYAN, Chairman Exec. Com.FRESHMAN FOOTBALL NOTICE.- The following will please be out today at 4 p. m. sharp, dressed to play on Soldiers Field: Parker, Brayton, Oglesby, Rust, F. Edmunds, Adsit, Harris, Kidner, Hatch, Edmunds, Hawkins, B. Davis, Ellicott, Beardsell, Heard, Forbes, Kernan, Fay, Gray, Follansbee, Hunt, Campbell, Egbert, Boal, Trainer, Fabyan, Talbot, Curtis, Hayes, K. Martin, Brown, McCornick.
OXFORD CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the Oxford Club, Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock in the parlors of the Epworth M. E. Church. All students of Methodist affiliation are invited.
CAMPAIGN SPEAKERS.- All collectors of fund to send Harvard speakers into Indiana please report promptly at one o'clock to
A. H. BREWER, 20 Holyoke street.THERE will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Society Wednesday evening, Oct. 21, at 7 o'clock, in 17 Grays. The Rev. Robert Codman will deliver a short address.
W. C. GERRISH, Sec.18.2t
THERE will be a meeting of the Lampoon board at the Sanctum, Thursday evening at 7.30. It is important that all the board should be present.
H. T. NICHOLS, Pres.
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