

ALL contributions for the November Monthly must be sent to the editor-in chief before Friday, Oct. 23. 18 2t

HARVARD BAND will meet in Room 1, L. S. S., at 4.30. Parade in evening.

H. E. BAUMER, Leader.REPUBLICAN FIFE AND DRUM CORPS.- Practice in Room 1, Scientific Building, Wednesday at 4.30. All men who desire to play either a fife or a drum in the parade will please attend. 18 2t

STUDENT VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE.- Mr. Birtwell will be in Grays 17 on Tuesdays from 9-11, to talk with men in regard to volunteer charity work.

H. E. S.- There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section this evening at 7.45 in 46 Grays. Questions of importance are to come before the meeting and a full attendance is necessary.


J. FRED. OSBORN, Sec.HARVARD SOUND MONEY CAMPAIGN CLUB.- The shingles are now ready for distribution. Those men who have already signed and paid their dues will be sent shingles today. All men who have not already enrolled should do so at once. The book is at Leavitt and Peirce's.

W. B. WOLFFE, Secretary.
